lundi 17 février 2014

la vie quotidienne - lyonnaise style

Place Bellecour: The calm before the storm

I. Can't. Stop. Eating. Pastries. There's no way I'm denying myself. It just means I have to increase my exercising activity, which is pretty easy to do here in Lyon. Why deny myself pastries? Life is too short for that. Self-control can come in other forms (I'm extremely good at that). Though to be fair, if I enjoy it so much, I really should learn to make some myself.

Omelette Norvégienne (Don't ask me what makes them Norwegian)

This picture was taken at a fabulous restaurant behind Perrache. I'll have to look up the name because I can't remember it for the life of me. It was a last minute whim to go there... at 22h00!! We ended up devouring this lovely dessert with fries and of course, two glasses of white wine. I realize the frites were a bit unorthodox, but hey, I'm a girl and I've got occasional cravings to satisfy. 

On a side note, I've started taking Russian lessons again. They're fairly cheap and frankly, I'd rather spend money on something I'm passionate about rather than on clothes or other bizarre things. I'm also hoping to sign up for piano lessons again. This drive in me is still alive and kicking. Honestly, I hope this drive continues and I'll have the energy to do everything I want to do. I'm not completely sure where my energy is coming from, but I'm definitely thankful to have so much of it to keep me going. How I manage to get up so early in the morning, bike to and back from work, work, go for a run, study Russian and playing the piano all in one day is beyond me.

It's almost a month since I've started working here. I think I've got my schedule down and I'm balancing my work life and social life pretty well. At least my French mom don't have to be worried about me being a hermit like I was last summer. Now that it's no longer the dead of summer, the city is alive once again with many events! Free concerts are everywhere at both the conservatories and occasionally, I can treat myself to a concert at the Auditorium de Lyon. Thank God for music keeping me sane and thank God for my French mom for keeping me grounded. I do roll my eyes though, every time she asks me what I'm up to and I give her a list to which she tells me "très bien" with a very satisfied tone.

My travel bug is revitalizing its feet and wings. I am now ready to travel to various cities in France. However, the first stop for me is Geneva. In fact, I went there yesterday to see a few friends. As much as I do enjoy being around Genève sometimes, I will never cheat on Lyon. Ever.

As for out of country trips, there has been one scheduled for Easter break. Last Easter break, I went to Austria. This year, I'm heading to Estonia and Finland!

So yes, I am enjoying my lyonnaise life and everything this beautiful city has to offer. But seriously, I need to stop eating a pastry every day...

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