lundi 9 décembre 2013

last finals (finally!)

Finals. Stress. The end of the semester run towards deadlines. ARGH. I think I had like 5 cups of coffee last Friday.

Speaking of the stress. I had one strange stress dream. Unlike the other ones which involved nuclear war, this one was set in the DPRK. Apparently, in my wild dream, I went grocery the DPRK. And while I was in the grocery store, I stole a bag of peas from someone. Is it graduation yet?

It's also getting very cold, which is very unusual for Monterey. Then again, I keep thinking why it hasn't snowed yet. It certainly is cold enough for that. I miss taking walks in the city on a cold but clear winter night before Christmas and enjoying the sensation I get from doing so.

And of course, the Fête des Lumières started a couple days ago. Why did I ever leave France Lyon? Got to go back asap. I can't help but feel that warmth of Christmas coming. Even though I don't know what 2014 will bring yet, I am anxious to be graduating and taking the next step forward. I honestly feel like I've been gone for half of the semester with all my travels. That isn't necessarily a bad thing because I love to travel and it was for professional development. This travel bug in me cannot be contained.

5 more days and counting!     

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