mardi 3 septembre 2013

237 days

237 days.

237 days of delicious coffee. 237 days of meetings and conferences. 237 days of meeting people. 237 days of countless adventures. 237 days of unforgettable moments with my lovely French family.

After 237 days,  I am finally back in California ready to finish my last semester of school. I'm so ready to be done with my Master's and ready for whatever adventure that may come next. Whether it is here in the US or abroad, I am ready to face it head on. I am confident there's a path that God has paved for me. I have followed Him, I am following Him and I will continue to follow Him for all the days of my life.

So here I am, back in the States, feeling slightly weird at hearing English spoken around me. I miss Europe and the coffee. I miss my French family. But evidently, this is where I need to be at the moment, so in Monterey I will stay until the successful completion of my Master's and securing a job (I hope). Who knows what will happen at the end of December? I just know that I am looking forward to any adventure that may come my way. After this second séjour in Europe, I know that I could spend the next 6 years (or more) moving from one place to another without hesitation. At all.

I'm planning on taking as much time I need to get re-settled/re-integrated back into the schedule of things. It may take awhile, but I think I need it. For now, school is a major distraction for me as well as work. These things will speed up the process so I should be back to... "normal" within a week or two. So, life is good because let's be fair. There are worse places to be than in Monterey. I should make the most of my time here because this semester may be my last ever being a student (officially). There could be a slight chance I may be back in Europe next year (I hope). If that happens, I may not be able to contain my screams... of joy.

In the mean time, I've got a lot to catch up, friends to catch up with and a future to look forward to.

Last semester of grad school, here I come! Europe, I'll be back. Very soon.

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