vendredi 26 juillet 2013

a week and weekend of heatwave

Is it really the weekend already? I don't even know what happened in the past week that made me feel like time is just slipping away from me.

Oh wait. I know.

I am currently waist deep in transparency and verification of nuclear weapons states. Forget about sleep, reporting forms are just too important! Confidence and trust are being built, people. It's work in all its disarmament glory (as much glory as it can get).

And then there's the constant moving. Being in and out of Geneva, Lyon and Annecy and attempting to have a social life in Lyon, it's tiring, I gotta say. My French mom has been nagging me to get out and meet people. The problem is that at work, I already see a lot of people so when I'm home, all I want is to be able to work (and drink coffee) in peace. But after all the nudging and pushing, I finally dragged myself to a soirée Thursday night. Needless to say, it was probably what I just needed. It was a short walk from my house to the café and I have rediscovered how cheap a glass of wine is in France compared to Geneva. Just 2 euros! Wine always make for interesting conversations. In the heat of a summer night, deep in the heart of the Lyonnais old town, anything is interesting. I also opted for a glass of white wine because I needed something that would cool me down in this ridiculous heat wave.

Honestly, I wouldn't have minded the heat if French people believed in AIR CONDITIONING. How ridiculous is the heat wave right now? Even the French are complaining about it, that's how bad it is. I have zero motivation to go outside and I'm currently more tanned than I have ever been since college. So I'm hiding in the shelter of my house, working away and drinking a ton of cold water. I also have no motivation to eat due to the heat, so I've been bingeing on coffee and water.

I blame the heat for my inability to sleep at night and therefore feeding my caffeine addiction.

Some pictures from Annecy (finally, I was there on a sunny day!)

lots of tourists, but beautiful town, nonetheless

Despite the heat, there's been wind. At least it's not sweltering wind. On the other hand, had it not been for this hot weather, I would have never discovered the wonderful taste of a Diabolo Fraise. Super refreshing drink that I totally needed to survive this heat.

Next stop, Clérey. My lovely French folks have a countryside house there. I need to take advantage of that.  Of course, I won't stop working because I can't take a vacation, but at least I won't have to trek back and forth next week.

I still can't believe how lucky I am.

Have a beautiful weekend!

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