mardi 25 juin 2013

last week at UNODA

One week left of my internship! To be honest, I'm glad I'm coming to an end at this internship and I'm looking forward to the next step whatever that may be. Rather, I'm looking forward to going home to Lyon. A lot. My anxiety, though, about leaving Lyon when the time comes is on full blast, but I feel strangely somewhat at peace about it because for some crazy reason, I know I'll be back. Without a doubt. And I don't mean just a for a visit. I mean here to stay. Or it could just be a crazy dream that I've been having every night. Either way, I'm determined to find something to do in Lyon to keep me there for a few years...or more.

This entire past weekend, Geneva was blasting music everywhere. In the parks, in buildings, in old town, on the lake, anywhere there's an open space, there was music. It was the Fête de la Musique. Of course I enjoyed being waltzed everywhere I went. It was pretty much a huge 3-day party scene in Geneva. Oh and did I mention there are pianos everywhere?? Lyon is doing the same and I can't wait to go back to the beautiful city and play the piano. As if I need more reasons to fall in love with the place that stole my heart. I managed to get myself to 2 classical concerts and ran into some other random concerts while walking on the streets.

Victoria Hall

Just outside the Musée d'arts et d'histoires

Fete de la musique ads

Take me to the Opera!

Yeah, I can't wait to go back to Lyon.

Speaking of this summer, there's a chance I may have a second internship, but if not, I'll only be able to stay here until the beginning of August. Still, that gives me a good solid month in Lyon. A month to stay home with my lovely French family. So if I do go back to the bay area in August, I may just run to San Francisco every other day to enjoy the concerts and walk around a bit before getting back into the craziness of grad school. Then again, who wants go back to the States when I can relax and frolic in France? I just need to concentrate on my last semester of grad school, FIND A JOB, and pay off my student debt. Because apparently, when you get smarter, you accumulate debt. A lot of debt.  Oh, and that job WILL be in France or the surrounding area (i.e. Switzerland, Austria). A girl can dream, right?

Anyways, it's my dear friend's birthday this Friday and I wish I could just pop over to Lyon for a night to celebrate it with her. Unfortunately, I have other obligations that I need to fulfill here (i.e. go to Paris this weekend with my piano teacher and her family -- aka I may need several glasses of wine after this. Life could be worse). But I have this fabulous plan to surprise her next week when I get there. In the event that I do stay in Lyon until the end of August, I plan to use every single moment soaking up the French culture, the French language and no English will ever be allowed for the next 2 months. Frankly, it's just not fun when you're surround by all things fabulous and French and suddenly, someone speaks English to you.

So, here's to the next step, whatever that may be and to the next step this roller coaster of a life will take me.

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