lundi 8 juillet 2013

from paris to versailles and back again take 2

My motivation for blogging is seriously low at the moment, but only because I've got much going on and a load of things to do. Anyways, on to my trip to Paris...

Paris is as charming as I remembered it to be. Along with all its rustic charms Paris has to offer, nothing is more romantic than being on the top of the Eiffel Tower, wind blowing my hair and gazing at the sights below (of course, Lyon is still my love).  After my last day as an UNODA intern, I got up early on Saturday morning to catch the flight to Paris. It was a beautiful sunny day, with the perfect temperature, perfect wind, and just the right amount of sunshine. I rented an apartment in the 5eme arrondissement, not far away from the Panthéon. I had stepped out first to pick up the Paris Museum Passes for the 5 of us.

First stop, Tour Eiffel, aka proof that I was actually in Paris. I must say, it was thrilling riding in the metro again because Geneva doesn't have metros. Thank goodness for Paris' extensive metro system. It's totally awesome. Also, I ate a lot of pastries. Dangerously delicious baked goods that I can't resist.

Mostly, since I was the tour guide, I went to many old places that I've been to before. Behold, a wealth of pictures below:

Looking from the Eiffel Tower

Looking at Tocadero

Notre Dame!

Inside Notre Dame

Musée d'Orsay

Arc de Triomphe

Jardins de Luxembourg


Exhibition on Jean Moulin

Tour Eiffel at night

Musée de la SHOAH: I snuck away from my teachers and left them in Musée Rodin to come here. Given another chance, I'd have spent more time in the Marais, which is where this museum is located. 

Musée de la Musique

Reminds me of Picasso

Of course, Chopin at Pere Lachaise


The Glass Room

The beautiful gardens of Versailles

Why my teachers wanted to go inside the palace FOUR TIMES rather than enjoy the garden more is beyond me. It's beautiful, the palace of course, but now I've been inside FIVE TIMES. I think next time I come, I'll stick to exploring the garden instead.

Also, if you're in France, YOU MUST TRY THE FRENCH FOOD. Eating Chinese food almost everyday is.... not the point of being in France (other than seeing the sights of course).

On the bright side, I'm now an intern at the United Nations Institute of Disarmament Research! It means I get to stay in Europe until the end of August!! It means I get to go home to Lyon!! Why am I this excited?! This involves packing, which is always a pain, but necessary. But seriously, 2 months working for UNIDIR and being with my French family. I'm pretty much set and ready to unleash my inner French girl.

Happy Monday!

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