mardi 21 mai 2013

weekend getaway in slovenia and croatia!

How can I possibly stay away from Slovenia after the last visit 2 years ago? Here I am again in the land of cute villages, burek, turbo-folk music, polka, beautiful countrysides, among others. What a treat it was to see a friend I haven't seen in 2 years! Several differences between the first visit and this one. Unlike last time, I'm not sick, so I got to go to Zagreb, Croatia on Friday! The weather wasn't the best but when travelling, one doesn't complain about that. Also, I actually found myself understanding a bit of Slovenian and Croatian, thanks to my Russian training. It makes me want to master Russian even more now and then learn Slovenian and Croatian. Made my time in both countries a lot easier this time around being able to understand snatches of conversation so I don't look like an idiot on the street. I didn't really go into town much, just explored the outskirts, since I was mostly in Ljubljana last time around and have seen a lot of it.

With that said, voici some of my adventures in Slovenia and Croatia: 

Zagreb: I managed to go on a day where the senior high schoolers are partying and rejoicing like no other. They're celebrating because they got into college and it's a huge show on the streets with screaming, shooting each other with water, and dressing in different colors. Apparently, in the states, we have graduation party, other here, they go all out on the streets in the center of the city:

An advice to anyone going for a day trip from Ljubljana to Zagreb, the train system isn't the best here. There's a train that goes from Ljubljana at 8h15 and gets there around 10h35. To get back, there's one that leaves at 12h30, or 18h25. Nothing in between if you want to come back earlier. Just be prepared for the inefficient train system here. Otherwise, you're good. To see a timetable, click here. Roundtrip tickets cost 25 Euros. 

Having slept for nearly most of the ride, I got out of the train station, somewhat more awake and ready to explore this place. Zagreb is divided into the Upper town and Lower town. If you go to the information center in the train station, you should be able to get a map that outlines the routes for both parts of town. The route also covers most of the museums too if that interests you.

Zagreb has a great coffee culture and I would have sat down outside in a coffee bar had the weather been nicer. I spent most of the time walking around town and visiting museums and churches. A lot of coffee places are in the upper town. 

View from Upper Town

Check out this museum, totally worth it. To get in, you'll have to pay 25 Kunas


It was kind of hard to see that Croatia was part of the ex-Yugoslavia country. Now completely vibrant with life and culture (although their economy isn't doing so well), Croatia is set to join the EU this year in July. So this will probably be the last few months before you get passport checked and stamped. And now, my passport proudly holds the stamps of both Slovenia and Croatia. Must. Visit. Other. Balkan. Countries. Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro are on my list!

The Museum of Broken Relationships has a pretty darn good exhibition of stories, things that represented past relationships, people searching for peace and etc. Go there and get a peace of mind or perhaps be amused by some stories.

Ljubljana: I was mostly in the outskirts of the city this time. Lots of cute villages, beautiful weather and beautiful scenery. Some photos:

Cows everywhere. It's like I never left Davis

At a Veselica  (the merriest party in every village in spring/summer!)

An excerpt of the music and dancing!

A snail slowly making its way 

Ice cream and friends. Life is good

Reunited with this beautiful instrument!

I was in the center of Ljubljana just for 3 hours before my flight, so voici some old familiar sites:

Next to Ljubljana river

The Market!

The Dragon Bridge!

And last but not least:

We made cake :))

So there you have it, my short yet pleasant vacation to Slovenia and Croatia. I can't wait to go back again when I'm in Europe once more :) 

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