vendredi 3 mai 2013

prepcom - over!

Is it really over? Yes, it is! The 2nd NPT PrepCom is officially over as of 13h20 today.

I must say, I enjoyed the experience, learned a lot, and met a ton of people, but it was exhausting. Because today was the final day, everyone had to adopt the draft report. Of course, there would be drama flying left and right today. We didn't start the plenary session until 12h instead of 10h. Egypt requested in a note verbale that their walkout be reflected in the report. The League of Arab States and the NAM had their meeting, all contributing to the late start of the plenary.  Yay for procedural issues!

And now, it's time for a break....

We were liberated early today so I came home and slept for 2 hours. It should have been a relaxing nap, except, I had what seems to be a stress dream. In this scenario, I was on the tram for some reason. Then it made a stop, where I thought I had to get something from outside the tram. So I got off the tram for a few seconds intending to get back on. But then, the tram left!! With all my stuff! Panicked, I chased after the tram to get my stuff. And that's when I woke up. Clearly, I need some R&R.

This is why I'm off to Lyon tomorrow morning. Time for a delightful break while dancing under the starry nights of Lyon.

More pictures and adventures will follow soon!

Happy weekend, everyone!

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