lundi 6 mai 2013

lyon, je t'aime toujours

Another beautiful weekend in Lyon. The weather has definitely improved and I can officially say that spring is in the air (it took long enough!)

It was pretty cloudy and rainy leaving Geneva and getting into France. Luckily, it became super sunny in the afternoon, which I was really grateful for. I don't think I was prepared for the trip at all, having literally packed the morning of the trip. Not to mention sleeping poorly because again because I had the strangest dream. Apparently, I dreamt that I was in an interrogation room, getting bombarded with questions about Syria's chemical weapons. And for some reason, I was asked about their clandestine nuclear weapons program (which doesn't exist). I just remembered it being extremely tiring and draining and my life being threatened. What a dream.

Maybe I need a long, long break. If that's even possible. Because I completely lost my head Saturday afternoon....and lost my friend's key. But seriously, how could I remember my route (because I retraced it to try to locate the key) and not remember where the key went??

Apparently, I had also forgotten you could hear everything going on outside on the streets while in the house. I mean the walls in each apartment are thick so you don't hear the neighbors but you hear everything outside in the streets. Such as, drunk people singing past midnight in the streets. I feel like I'm outside next to them in a sing-along.

I thought I was going to take carpooling back to Geneve Sunday night, instead I took the train back Monday morning, bright and early. My friend went to Paris and was taking the train at the same time as me, so she offered to take me in a taxi to the train station. I pretty much slept through the entire train ride, and was late to work because the train was late. Nonetheless, I'm happy to have stayed in Lyon until Monday. Everyday I tell myself that I'm so lucky to be able to go back to Lyon on a monthly basis  and I'm so grateful for my friend's hospitality.

Saturday and Sunday, a nice walk around town through old town and Croix-Rousse. Beautiful views and spending time with my favorite people in the world.

Sur la Saône

Le marché aux puces

View of Fourvière, a constant reminder that I'm home

Hôtel de ville

one of my favorite cafés in Croix-Rousse

Et voilà, my most lovely trip to Lyon. All in my favorite places, with my favorite people. What more could I ask for? And it's been such a privilege to see another beautiful friend with her little girl who moved to Australia. It's been 2 years since I've seen them and I never thought I'd see them so soon much less under the same roof as my Lyonnaise friend! What a odd little family we make (the best kind of course). You'll find us having a jolly ole' time together, or find us working away at the same table.

I can't believe I have just under 2 months left of my internship. Time is going by too fast, but I look forward to the next part of my life during the summer as well as the last (hopefully) semester of grad school. Seriously, it's time to move to the work force. Or. Maybe I could just drop everything and move back to France. That idea doesn't even need entertaining because it's bound to happen. I can feel it deep within me.

Bon courage pour la reprise, tout le monde!
Aka, Happy Monday!

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