mercredi 24 avril 2013

mid-week report

It's half way through the week....and I'm already feeling like I'm about to chug liters of coffee and binge on chocolate. Plenary sessions are over. Because there's just so much to talk about, we had 10 more countries on the speaking list before proceeding to cluster 1 issues. As always, statements have been super long. And everytime Iran speaks, the cameras are shoved literally in their face. Condemnations of DPRK's test are flying wild. Iran's controversial nuclear program and Israel are also the subjects of the statements. (Among many other things)


For a list of speakers and their statements, look here.

I currently have another office on the 6th floor of the Palais. Voici the view from my window:

C'est beau, non?

By 18h, today will be over and this person plans to go home and maybe go on another run. Yes, you read right, another run. Why is that?

Well, this morning, I was woken up by the upstairs person's alarm. At 5h45. Apparently, this girl wakes up early, goes to work early and comes back early, which would make sense, of course. Except. Her alarm vibrates like no other. To the point where I can hear it because the floor is vibrating and it wakes me up, including her footsteps, which makes me wonder if Bigfoot is living up there. So, as cranky as I was this morning for waking up so early, I decided to go out for a run at dawn. Might as well if I'm going to be up so early. And to relieve stress from today's long day, I should go on another run. At the end of day, I just turn into a tired, cranky, anti-social person who is in dire need of a glass of wine.

Today's been one of those days where I ask myself, WHY AM I NOT DONE WITH MY MASTERS YET?!

Tomorrow will be a lot better. Because it's almost Friday. This means that there's about a week left before I head back to my beloved home, Lyon where I'll be treated like a little princess, resting and getting properly fed.

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