samedi 27 avril 2013

happy weekend!

Just a tad bit late on the weekend post. Working like no other all week and Saturday.

Apparently, disarmament awaits for no one...and doesn't take breaks. Then again, if I were doing this for the rest of my life, I wouldn't mind. AT ALL. (As long as I still get to travel)

One more week of Prepcom. Freedom will be sweet, but short because the week after that, CD starts all over again and with that, the Open-ended Working Group to take forward multilateral disarmament.

DPRK's name card in the NPT?!

We actually got Friday afternoon off. The chair of the NPT asked all the delegates if they wanted to have Friday afternoon off or Monday morning off. Thank goodness they chose Friday afternoon. Although Thomas Countryman (US Assistant Secretary of State) threw up his hands and shouted "BOTH!" Wishful thinking!

We had a mini CNS gathering last night at a ridiculously expensive restaurant. Voici my fancy dinner

Springtime salad with bacon and poached egg. 

One more week til Lyon, two more weeks til Gruyère, Lucern, (and other swiss cities), three more weeks until Slovenia and Croatia!! (May is going to be awesome)

On that note, have a good weekend, everyone!

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