vendredi 12 avril 2013

happy weekend!

Friday. TGIF. Dieu Merci, C'est Vendredi.

Never have I been happier saying that. It's been an exhausting, yet rewarding week being in involved with the CCW (Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons) Meeting of Experts. Two issues that I've been particularly interested in are the issues of landmines and victim assistance. Once it starts getting extremely technical, I really couldn't help zoning out for a bit.

A typical day during the CCW Meeting of Experts is usually like this (for me):

6h30 wake up
8h15 or 8h30 arrive at work
8h30 - 10h00 prepare for meeting
10h00 meeting starts
13h00 break for lunch
Depending on the day, there may be sessions during lunch
15h00 meeting resumes
18h00 meeting ends

I left an hour and half early from work as I've not done much food shopping for about 2 weeks now...and because I need a break. Thank goodness for pasta.

The good thing about this meeting is that we were in another part of the Palais:

Voici my very own, darn large office:

All to myself!

Even though I'm in the only intern at the UNODA, I'm loving it because I get all the work. Gotta love my job. Now, if I could only find work here....

I suppose this is good preparation for the NPT Prepcom coming up in about a week. Basically, I'll have no life. Even so, I'll find time to chill and FINALLY BASK IN THE WARM WEATHER OF GENEVA.
*note that this is in Celsius

Apparently, we're skipping spring. Oh well, Summer, here I come! Time to pull out those sandals and flip flops. My lovely conversation partner, whom I now consider a dear friend (because we spend about a bijillion hours together per week chatting away in Franglais), will be taking me to picnics with lots and lots of rosé wine (who doesn't want wine?) when the weather is warmer. Also, I'm totally looking forward to hanging out in Carouge next week in the warm weather. And of course, there's Lyon. I can't wait to go home, back to France, back to ma petite famille française in May.

Happy Friday and bon weekend!

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