lundi 18 février 2013

unlimited traveling

Another weekend gone. Time is flying by too fast. Someonefindmeajobherekthx. I'm still loving my internship and getting more busy.

Somehow, I managed to get my hands on 2 baguettes this past weekend and I've devoured all of them, with cheese, olive paste and wine. No regrets, not after all the walking, running and muscle workouts.

Oh, did I also mention I'm going back to Lyon this weekend again? Going back to my lovely, whimsical French family who means the world to me. They say that home is where the heart is. In that case, Lyon definitely has my heart. Lyon is turning into my little get away. I'm so close to Lyon, but I find myself missing it more than I was in the States. Since arriving in Geneva, I've been told that I speak French like a French person, but not like a Swiss. Makes sense, since I was in France for a year. I've also been told that I'm more European than American. I'll take that as a compliment, though I'm pretty sure I haven't got the sophisticated part down yet. Must learn my French friend's secret to being sophisticated.

And speaking of traveling....I give you my more concise list. OSLO NEXT WEEKEND. SO EXCITED. I'll be there for the Civil Society Forum for the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons. The prices of traveling has been a bit ridiculous since the last time I was here but thank goodness I was able to get a somewhat cheap hotel there.

- Lyon

Fribourg 3/02/2013
Lausanne 9/02/2013
Neuchâtel 17/02/2013
- Lyon

- Oslo (conference)
- Lille
- Bruges
- Annecy (meeting)
- Lyon
- Vienna and Salzburg

- St. Gallen
- Appellen
- Zermatt
- Chamonix
- Lyon
- Strasbourg

- Slovenia and Croatia
- Amsterdam
- Dijon
- Lyon
- Gruyère
- Basel
- Interlaken
- Luzern
- La Rochelle, France

- Ukraine
- Nîmes
- Aix-en-Provence
- Lyon
- Paris

- Rome
- Florence
- Venice
- Kyrgyzstan

- Russia
- Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan
- Back to Monterey

I was in Neuchâtel this past Sunday. Nice little place, cute old town but cold (no surprises). I had no map, just let my sense of direction take over.

There were a lot of these fountains here

Over all, it was good, I didn't get lost. Oh, and if you go, there's a great (and cheap) kebab place on Place Pury. Your nose will guide you to the small restaurant. It's right at the center of the Place and looks like a kiosque. But seriously, your nose will get you there. I bought a Petite galette kebab, to be fair, I should have gotten the grande size. It was a bit oily and probably not the healthiest thing, but damn it, it was so delicious. Speaking of kebabs, I should get some while I'm in Lyon this weekend. The weekend can't come any faster (for Lyon I mean, otherwise, please slow the time down).

Bonne semaine, everyone!

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