lundi 11 février 2013

monday mornings: a winter storm, a saturday trip, slippery paths

The reality of me falling in love with Europe all over again is starting to show itself once more. And along with it, the addiction of pastries and chocolate. The sweet, glorious, light pastries. Let's not forget the chocolate either. I officially have no more self control. None. It flew out the window of a tram I take every morning and possibly also on the TGV I take to get to France. These lovely pastries and chocolate are becoming my péchés mignons. Just taking a bite out of the flan nature or a tartelette makes me swoon in delight. No use in denying my wants anymore, although I have to say, France beats Switzerland in pastries any day.

And speaking of France, I'm not prepared to have this internal battle taking place in mid-July when I have to leave Europe for Central Asia and back to Monterey. It means I have to leave where my heart is, where my soul is. It means leaving my friends in Lyon, especially that of my neighbor. Leaving her and her family the first time was already hard enough. I'm not sure if I want to or can do it a second time. I think I'm just not going to the think about it and concentrate on work here and finding a job here first. My life has been falling in place for the past year and half. No reason it shouldn't now.

It's been snowing here like crazy today. Beautiful, but seriously, I don't have the proper footwear. I'm wearing heels, in 20 cm of snow. It's not just flurries this time, but seriously snowing. Good thing I had the sense to bring an umbrella with me.

Does anyone else want to walk in this weather? The tram got stuck, so I walked part of way to the bus stop. Then the bus got stuck because the road was slippery and there was just too much snow. So I walked the rest of the way to work. To say that I was walking would probably be an understatement. I was literally flying along the white soft particle, brushing past many people taking it easy in the snow. They were probably wondering why there's a girl in red trench coat darting in the snow with a grin on her face. Some of my co-workers didn't make it to work, and neither did my supervisor. One of my other co-workers is hoping for a snow day. But seriously, does that even exist in the UN???

Saturday, I decided to head to Lausanne, only half an hour by train. It was super early in the morning, but at least time I was prepared for the cold. Lausanne is a beautiful city by the lake and has a bigger old town than Geneva. And hills. Lots and lots of hills, as always. I have a feeling I'll be spending half of my time in every city I visit climbing hills.

The view from here was amazing

Look at all that snow!

I spent about a good 4 hours in the city before coming back to Geneva and calling some folks in China for New Year greetings. I was in Ferney-Voltaire yesterday for some grocery shopping and hopefully may not need to go shopping for food for the next two weeks, if I manage right.

Oh and I'm also planning on going back to Lyon at the end of this month. Woo hoo!

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