mardi 15 janvier 2013

wintery white wonderland

It snowed. In Geneva! I think I spent the entire six minutes waiting for Bus 5 catching snowflakes with my face and hands.

On my way to work at 8h40

And oh my, it was so beautiful. Am I dressed appropriately for the snow? Nope. Am I in falling in love? Oh yes, I am. Speaking of dressing appropriately, I saw a guy wearing shorts running in the snow while I was riding in the bus today. Props to him for braving the element. A lot of people were late today due to the snowy and icy conditions, but overall, I really enjoyed walking in the snow.

I had to take about an hour off work today to go to the bank to get an account. So much more complicated than getting an account in the US or France. You have to set up an appointment and they tell you all these conditions before you can get an account. At least I got told that I speak French very well =] Though I'll probably join a language exchange group or something to keep speaking it. I use French outside of work, but I'm trying to bring that into work as well. I have my first staff meeting tomorrow! The Conference on Disarmament starts its first session next Monday! I love my job.

It continued to snow as I left work today at 18h30. Since it was dark and no one could see me, I tried to catch snowflakes on my tongue. So childlike, yet so much fun.

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