mardi 4 décembre 2012

it's that most stressful time of year




Fortunately, it's all coming to an end next week. Next week, I'll be FREE. FREEEEEEEEEE. Then it's off to continue to dream through my days about Europe and all that jazz.

I'm pretty sure I slept talked last night and dreamt of stairs that don't connect. That was a weird dream. So, what else is left?

(1) essay for Israel and the bomb
(1) essay for French
(1) final for terrorism

It's been a marathon so far...which means I can't slow down. Must run to the end. By this time next week, I can pass out on my bed and not get up until next month....if possible. That is, if I don't want to pack and bring an empty suitcase with me to Geneva.

Just gotta go, just gotta go.

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