lundi 10 septembre 2012

top 10 ways to know your semester is getting busy

It's the 3rd week of school.....and I already feel like I'm behind...even though I'm not. What happened to my weekends? They fly away too fast, always trying to escape from me. Anyways, work and school is consuming my life....assuming that I had any in the first place. Between running around to classes, work and more work, I'm constantly on the go no matter how tired I may be. The coffee helps ;) So, how do I know my semester is getting busy?

10. You know your semester is getting busy when you find yourself forgetting to eat

9. When you constantly reach for that cup of coffee because your eyelids are heavy from a lack of sleep from stress

8. When you decide to pick up running or another form of exercise to relieve said stress

7. You use exercise as a form of procrastination

6. You run around like a chicken with its head cut off

5. You have a constant grin on your face from the overload of caffeine

4. Sleep? Rest? What's that?

3. "@_@ Really? I have that much reading to do?!"

2. You just want to go home after classes and pass out on your bed, or watch mindless tv

1. You're stressed, overworked, and tired, but still think that at the end of the semester, it's all going to be worth it. IT BETTER BE.


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