mercredi 4 janvier 2012

ringing in 2012

Now that New Year is over, time to get back into the usual crunch. Time to get back to work and studying. In fact I worked New Year's Day at 7h30. Running on less than 3 hours of sleep, I managed to conquer this 9 hour shift with the help of some of that lovely substance, caffeine.  I'm trying to drink less coffee right now so that when school starts, the effect of caffeine will still be strong.

Greetings to you on New Year's Day at sunrise (7h20)

So, 2012. Resolutions? No, not really. I mean, there's the usual staying healthy-working out-saving money-being the best that I can be shenanigans. Otherwise there's not much else. I know a lot of people make the resolution of drinking less coffee and more tea. I like both and there's no way I could ever stop drinking coffee. Perhaps I'll just make it a goal to read more, learn more and have an open mind at all times. And then, there's that petit bucket list I made of things I'd like to do before Dec 2013. It'll be nice to get started on that.

I had a super rude guest on New Year's Eve. As part of our job, we have to greet the guests and see if they need help and what not. Obviously for most people, this can get quite annoying, but hey, it's our job-so deal with it. So this lady walks in and I said hi to her. Afterwards, I noticed she was looking at the something that was in a case, so I asked if she needed some help. And she goes, "no, I don't need your help. I need some space, and I don't want any of you to be bothering me." I was like........ whatever.

Now that the holiday season is over, I can look foward to the beginning of school! And yes, I'm counting, not to sound like a nerd or anything. I'm actually glad the holiday season is over. Something was stressing me like no other. How I got through the holidays was the thought that every day was going to be an adventure and there was going to be something new and surprising every day. Welcome to my world of self-prescribed peptalk.

But seriously. I know 2012 is going to be awesome.

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