samedi 3 décembre 2011

things i'd like to do before graduation in dec 2013

When I'm not working or studying, I like to plan out fabulous trips that will probably never take place in the near future. I'm trying not to do that right now, instead thinking of things I'd like to get done/accomplish before I graduate in December of 2013. I guess it's some sort of bucket list. So by December 2013, I'll be 25 years old, and (hopefully) done with my Master's of Arts.

So by that time, here are the top 10 things I'd like to do:

1. Get fluent in Russian, then learn hebrew, czech, and slovenian (all in that order): Because I can't resist learning more Eastern European languages, and I want to learn hebrew (so I can go to Israel)

2.  Go skydiving: Because there's nothing better than enjoying Earth from a bird's eye view.

3. Intern for the United Nations

4. Getting a job from said organization from No.3

5. Go back to Europe, specifically France.

6. Finding a internship in Europe

7. Go to Russia and be the biggest poli-sci nerd ever over there. Also, I must go find Putin and flip him. I should find Medvedev while I'm at it, so that I can dance with him (because I've been hearing he's been taking dance lessons. Muahaha)

8. Take some dance lessons myself

9. Go back to kickboxing/hapkido class

10. Of course, graduate on time and get my Master's

I'm sure I'll think of more things, and I know there are more things that I want to do. But I'm going to try to keep the list simple and sweet.

I'm going to try biking to the aquarium today..... yes, the bike I haven't touched since August of last year. I'm sure it'll be splendid. Hopefully, my bike is still in good shape.

59 days until classes start. (whyamicounting)

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