jeudi 24 novembre 2011


Because I'm horribly uncreative, I shall put up this sign to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.

And what do you know, I'm working today! But at least we get a free Thanksgiving meal! Yesterday I was trained on the cashier registers. For some odd reason I was short by 9 dollars, and that's probably because of the training practice and what not. Not to mention the fact that I was moved around on 3 registers....

I remember last year, I was in France celebrating Thanksgiving with the rest of my fellow Californians at Brasserie Elite, the restaurant our directors booked us. They even served us turkey! We all thought they were going to serve us duck or something. And my first snow fall happened that night! It was one magical year.

So with that being said, what am I thankful for this year?

1. Being alive
2. The opportunity to spend an amazing year abroad in Europe
3. All the luxuries, having a place to live, for the food on my table, that I'd be able to buy holidays drinks at starbucks ^_^, that I'm healthy.
4. My job
5. The fact that I got into grad school
6. Graduating from college
7. The summer intensive language program
8. My professors in Davis
9. God
10. Last but most important, Yulia. For the support and encouragement she gave, the things she taught me, for taking care of me, and for being my friend and roommate

This morning, I went to Whole foods, just to pick up a few more things before work. I picked up a bottle of Beaujoulais wine, which again, made me miss France. As I approach the cash register, even before the lady got to me...

Cashier: ID please!
Me: Sure, the usual
Cashier: It's good, cause you look like you're 12
Me: ...... thanks?

Because we Asians have natural botox. I've been told I look 16 so many times since I've started working at the Aquarium. The other thing I've been told is "Wow! You're from China and you have no accent (speaking English)?!" I just told you I've been here for a long time, and basically grew up in the states.

That, or I get this: "Wow,   你的中文怎么讲的能么好?!(How come you speak Chinese so well?!) Well, I just told you I speak it on a daily basis. Not all kids who came to the states at an early age lose their Chinese, you know.

Anyways, I must get ready. Once again, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

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