mercredi 19 octobre 2011

out and about in Shenyang, China

Well, I made it safely to China after such a loooong flight. The flight from Vancouver to Beijing was delayed by about 40 mins due to some mechanical problem they had with the toilet system. There were a ton of Chinese people on the flight, and some of the guys got impatient waiting there. And they spoke no English. I got to interpret! Gave me a high afterwards, but I manage to sleep some on the flight. I would have slept more if there weren’t screaming toddlers, and the loud Chinese guys. They kept going back for rounds of beer. Oh boy.

I finally got to Beijing around 4:40pm local time, and went through customs, got my luggage, and meet my uncle there! Well, technically, I think he would be my….second cousin, but he’s older than me by 16 years, and I’ve always been calling him uncle. It’s been almost 10 years since I last saw him, but he hasn’t changed a bit. We checked in my bag for the next flight to Shenyang at 8:55pm, and went to eat at a restaurant, and had some coffee afterwards. I’ll be seeing him again in about 2 weeks when I get to Beijing to stay for about 2.5 days. It was great talking to him and stuff, but it’s weird to realize that when I was a kid, he used to pick me up and take me out to play every time I went to Beijing.

So, finally, after such a long day of flying, I arrived to Shenyang, where I was picked up by my generous aunt and uncle. I must have looked like a zombie, or at least someone who pulled 2 all-nighters. So I finally got home around 11:10pm. Totally passed out around 12:30ish, but woke up around 5:30am. JETLAG. UGH. 

So today. Being that I woke up early, I took a quick shower and had breakfast, where I PROCEEDED TO INHALE THE FOOD LIKE IT WAS LIQUID. So much good food. After that, I went out with my grandmother, and we walked around for a bit, and stopped at a supermarket, since I didn’t bring facewash, shampoo or conditioner. Then I went to the hair salon, where the guy trimmed my hair and permed it. Hey, at least I look a little bit older than, say. 15 years old. The person who did my hair this time also did it last year in June as well. He still remembers me, and was like, oh, you got prettier. I was like…..uh, thanks? I just remember him as the guy who told me I had enough hair on my head for 8 people. Ahaha. I almost fell asleep during the entire procedure. Hopefully, tonight I’ll be able to sleep right, and try to correct this awesome jetlag.

Some things I found funny today while on the streets:

I wore leggings and flats today. I’m sure I got a lot of stares from a lot people and a lot people commenting to me, “ … aren’t you cold?”

While on the parallel bars twice today, I got a lot of people saying: “…. Wow, you’re a pretty strong girl” I was like…..I think you should check out Andrea Khoo. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled. That or terrified.  

Anyways, there’s more stuff to do, and not enough time to do it! Hopefully, I’ll be able to get everything I want to do done, and see more things. I know the next few days will go by super fast, so I really want to take the time to enjoy the things here.

Some pictures:

Going through customs in Beijing

garden near where my grandparents live

random statue in the garden

green tea flavor oreos. Oh my gosh

again, in the garden near where my grandparents live.

Hopefully, I'll be able to update on a regular basis.

Until next time. Ciao!

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