jeudi 20 octobre 2011

jetlagged and content

It's approx 4:30am and I'm awake. Another blog post from the across the pond. Last night I spent the night with my aunt and uncle. Tonight I'm at another uncle and aunt's place.

I went to the bookstore yesterday. YES. I believe I bought 13 books total and I can't wait to get through them. I will probably buy some more books when I get to Beijing. And I bought clothes! Having only brought one pair of jeans here, I needed to buy some more so I went shopping with my cousin. One salesperson asked me where I was from:

Salesperson: " Did you come back from South Korea?"
Me: "... no"
Cousin: " No, she's from the states"
Salesperson: " OMG, let me touch you. I'm finally touching someone from America"
Me: "..." Thinking: please get off of me.

Lunch, an overload of goodness. This place is called Papa's:

I walked so much yesterday, but to be fair, I also ate a lot. Such as this:

And I bought something at this store called Tasty:

I bought something else to eat, since this was too cute to consume. I would have just kept on staring at it until it went stale.

I finally took the subway in Shenyang!

After getting to my aunt's house and having dinner, I fell asleep in front of the tv around 8:30 because of jetlag. That like some heavy stone on your eyelid. Like you know you shouldn't sleep so early, but you can't control your own eyelids from closing. I vaguely remember my aunt draping a blanket over me. Finally around 12am, she woke me up again, telling me to go to bed. My cousin and I ended up talking and telling each other stories for the hour and half. Good times, not to mention funny.

Today's agenda:

Shenyang palace
Inline skating
Sight seeing

Oh, and HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY TO MY GRANDFATHER! Tomorrow will be the celebration.

I really should try to get back to I can survive the majority of the day without caffeine.

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