vendredi 21 octobre 2011


This jetlag will be the death of me. By the time I correct my jetlag here in China, I’ll be going back to the states. I have a feeling that the jetlag back in the states will be harder to get over. Last time it was, and I don’t really know why, but I just did. After blogging the last post, I went back to sleep for about an hour and half. My cousin kept inching her way over on my side, so that in the morning, she had ¾ of the bed, while I had ¼ of the bed.

After getting up, showering and eating breakfast, we set out to the Shenyang Royal Palace. It is situated in Zhong Jie, where some of the biggest shopping stores can be found. Overall, I thought it was a nice experience, though definitely not as big or fancy than the Forbidden palace in Beijing. But I really enjoyed the nice sceneries, the history (as I’m a huge history buff). They have a beautiful garden in there. My cousin said if she lived here, she’ll probably get so lost that she’ll lose her sanity. I said, you’d probably lose your sanity sooner if you lived in the Forbidden palace in Beijing. That would be a nightmare. I’d get lost left and right there, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.

After that, I did some inline skating at the Indoor Garden in this huge mall next to the Palace. We ate cold noodles and went to do some more shopping. And later in the evening, I went to meet someone I found on couchsurfing! She’s a student at the Northeastern University here, so it’s super close to where I live. She speaks Russian :) I’m super happy. Haha.

I was going to come back and write all the post cards, except I fell asleep promptly around 8:30pm. Woke up once around 1am-ish and went back to sleep. It is by far the most amount of sleep I’ve gotten, which is probably a good thing.

Some pictures:

the toilets that the emperor Qianlong used

the garden in the back of the palace

chinglish, for your enjoyment. I'm sure the foot is forgiving

my cousin and I at the Phoenix hall

night view of a bridge in Shenyang

A colleague of my grandparents offered to speak Russian to me this coming week. I'm super excited for that. Today we're celebrating my grandfather's 80th birthday. More than half of the relatives coming, I don't even recognize. Oh gosh. It'll be excitng. Muahaha

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