samedi 3 septembre 2011

ramblings in the beginning of september

Waking up at 6:15am isn't really my cup of tea, unless I'm going to kickboxing or something. But that was exactly the time I had to get up yesterday (Friday) morning. The guy I work for called me the day before, and asked me to go to Menlo Park with him to interpret for him. So I said ok, and then he said we were going to leave at 7:15am. @___@ Nonetheless, I woke up Friday morning and went. I thought this went better than last time and I was a lot more calm. Probably because someone keeps telling me that there's no need to panic, and that it's ok if there's some terminalogy that I don't know. I can always ask for clarification. I kept falling asleep in the car going up there and coming back down. During the middle of interpretation, I suddenly had this funny image in my head of Andrea Khoo coming in as an interpreter. That would have been hilarious, and not to mention, freak out the Chinese people there. (For those of you who don't know Andrea Khoo, she's an awesome trainer at UC Davis who teaches kickboxing, abs and back, weight lifting and self defense). But yeah, that would have been funny.

I finally got back around noon, and then went out for a late lunch with a friend to a Korean restaurant. I haven't ate korean food since going to France. Actually I do remember almost going into one in Geneva, but it was too expensive. Juan and I thought about it, until we saw the menu and the price, of course.

 Yesterday afternoon was happy hour aka social hour at MIIS. A friend told me it was known as drink back your tuition time, since drinks were free. My roommate took me there, where I met other Russian speakers. They spoke all in Russian together, unless they were addressing me. I'm kind of used to it, and I was able to understand stuff, here and there. Ah, and I met a few French speakers (Thank goodness) Maybe I should just go stalk their classes and stuff, and pretend I'm a student. I still think Davis is one of the most friendliest campuses.

 I should make it a habit to take a walk everyday. Just being stuck inside the house all day is't my thing either. I really need to go and fetch my coffee maker.

 I'm resuming my project of making 1000 cranes.

12 commentaires:

  1. Do you think Andrea's muscular physique would have caused the Chinese audience to freaked out? I could imagine it, it would be hilarious. However, I'm inclined to believe the opposite, in which they would be in awe by her appearance than intimidated. Andrea is a muscular diva and a drop dead gorgeous one.


  2. I think they'd be both in awe and intimidated. I can see both of that at the same time. Maybe I can get muscles and abs like Andrea and then in the Nuclear nonproliferation world, I'd scare all the policy makers and delegations. That'd be fun, don't you think?

  3. Hey, Tina. I had no idea you replied to my message. Yes, it would be fun. If you had muscles like Andrea, you would kick ass! Andrea kicks ass, so if you trained under her tutelage, than that makes you an official ass kicker. ;) So I ask you, why are nuclear arms still in production and policy makers still making the wrong decisions? You've already acquired the ability to scare them (thanks to Andrea), so get out there and kick ass! :)

  4. I almost forgot about this one...and quite possible still don't know who you are though I assume you've taken her classes. It feels like such a long time ago! And yes, I think I can totally kick ass now, especially after all the scaring I've done to people while at the UN and the things I will be doing...starting next week!

    1. Hi Tina. We never met. I'm just a friend of Andrea's from NYC. She's a fabulous person both inside and out. I speak highly of her, because she's changed my life (mind, body, and soul) for the better. I appreciate her greatly and honor her friendship. Her purpose on this planet is a positive and uplifting one.

      Scaring people at the UN? That's funny! It sounds like you're contriving something grand. I hope everything falls into place for you next week.

    2. Same here, she changed my life too. Glad to meet a friend of Andrea's. I haven't seen her in 3 years but I'll never forget her as she made me more confident. I would probably not be scaring people at the UN had it not been for her and probably would not be doing the things I will be doing next week in France! I was focusing on nuclear weapons while at the UN and now will be doing small arms and light weapons starting next week! So if you ever get a chance to visit France, you're welcome to visit.

    3. Awesome! That's very kind of you, Tina. It's funny that you mentioned France, because I have family there. I also have family in Martinique and Guadalupe as well. My mother is from Martinique. I've never been to France, but I will be receiving dual citizenship in February, thanks to the Consulat général de France à New York. I can't wait!

    4. That's awesome! Well, it's February now, I hope you have your citizenship! Definitely visit France, it's a beautiful place. I've fallen in love with my city here and will definitely be love with it for many more years to come!

    5. Hello Anthony,

      How are you? Were you able to get your citizenship?


    6. Hello, Tina! Sorry for the extremely late reply. I could never tell if you're replying, because I don't get notifications.

      I was sidetracked by several things last year and procrastinated a bit, but
      I'm actually one document away from being granted citizenship. I'll see to it that I get it done within the next few months or perhaps next week, if I make the time for it. I'll keep you posted. I won't forget.

    7. That sounds great, Anthony! Keep me updated! Are you still in NYC? Feel free to email:

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