dimanche 17 juillet 2011

fun by the bay

Coffee Break.

This weekend's highlights includes a trip to Santa Cruz. Good times. It started with the night before Carlos telling me he was going to show up with Shan-ta at 8am on Saturday Morning. I said, I'm not waking up that early. So, while I did my hw and other things, they finally showed up at 3:30pm. We all squeezed in the car with Carlos driving, his sister in the front seat. The rest of us in the back, with Shan-ta in the middle.

We headed to the Santa Cruz boardwalk, only to leave to go to the Mystery Spot. It was a very interesting place. And pretty. Situated in the middle of the woods, I think I would be very content just sitting in nature and contemplating at the beauty of the woods. There's something very theraputic about getting in touch with Mother Nature.

We made it just in time for the last tour. One has to climb an epic hill just to see the cabin where all the mysterious things take place, where the laws of physics and gravity doesn't exist.

There's all sorts of theories about why this is the mystery spot. One theory they have is that a long time ago, a alien space ship crashed there, and its engines are still running like 100 feet under the earth. Carlos believes that it's all just an optical illusion, which it could have been.

After we left the mystery spot, we grabbed something quick to eat and headed back to the board walk, where Erik, and Carlos proceeded to burn money on the games there. And now, thanks to Erik, I have a load of stuffed animals he won that I don't know what to do with, including a huge plush dog, 2 fake angry birds, and other stuff. I beat him and shan-ta in 2 games :) That's me looking tired and happy with all the stuff in my possession.

Finally got home around 1am-ish.

Today, I got up and decided to go for a run. Yay, I'm finally back to running 2 miles. I'm not really looking for distance, more for endurance. I can't do hapkido and spar, and then say, give me a sec to catch my breath. I saw a small arts and crafts and market, and decided to pop in after showering. It was pretty interesting, but definitely can't be compared to the market in Lyon every Sunday. Lyon, tu me manques beaucoup, beaucoup!! J’espère d'y revenir très bientôt! After, met up with my Russian conversation partner, and spent a lovely hour speaking in Russian and English

More pictures for your enjoyment

Santa cruz, crossing the bridge to get to the board walk

Shan-ta, epically failing at toss-a-ball in the bucket

Shan-ta and me at the Mystery spot

Erik, looking tired after playing so many games.

Et...encore, une petite partie en français! Pas beaucoup de choses. Comme d'habitude, les devoirs, les examens, et quelquefois, les choses intéressants. Le russe, ça avance beaucoup, je pense. C'est vraiment un plaisir d'apprendre le russe cet été. J'adore cette langue, et j’espère d'aller en Russie bientôt aussi. Je sais que c'est difficile pour les étrangers de parler russe couramment, mais peut-être, ça peut être une possibilité pour moi, j’espère!! On verra, mais je crois si je m'ai confiance, je peux le faire.

A la prochaine fois. Until the next break time!

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