mercredi 13 juillet 2011

russian borsch, happenings of the week

I'm supposed to be studying a for a test in Russian tomorrow. Of course, that will happen after this lovely blog post, beacuse I'm so amused. Mostly because of the laughing that went on tonight during our Russian activity.

This week has relatively been quiet, except a test on Monday, and some more awesome things to learn in Russian (cases). Lovely. On the side note, I was a little afraid that after I started the Russian language, I would somehow not be interested in it anymore. Luckily, that's not the case, and my passion for language learning is still high in the air. This program is definitely providing, if not a full immersion, at least more than half of the immersion. Which is awesome. I've learned so much already and looking forward to learning more (including all the awesome words I'm learning from my TA, and by that I mean, like words I and my strange sense of humor would use on a daily basis)

After the BBQ on Saturday, my friend, who graduated the same time as me in Davis stopped by to visit, which was awfully nice of her to do so. We went for coffee and pastries, where I was ABLE TO BUY A BAGUETTE. Sigh. The good old days of being in France. Yesterday, was also a friend's birthday. For lunch, we went to a Paris Bakery place, and enjoyed an awesome quiche lorraine, and pastries. Presque comme les pâtisseries en France! Comme ils me manquent.

Anyways, tonight. Russian borsch. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's Russian soup and has a red color, which is attributed to the red beets in the soup. In it, was chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, red beets, onions, and carrots. Needless to say, it was awesome, and now I'm totally full, thanks to Yulia, who insisted I finish the second bowl of soup, because then "I will be stronger to study." There was also wine tonight....which is making it harder for me to stop missing France.

And oy, my english. Translating what our professor said today regarding me being a professional chef, after cutting the vegetables, I said: Professional chopper?

I shall go back to studying. Until the next break time.

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