samedi 9 juillet 2011

christmas cookies and bbq, among other things

Another coffee break! Actually, I've been taking a lot of that, but usually, I just work while having coffee. I just got back from a BBQ, so I thought I'd drink cofee and take a break (and it's the weekend).

Last thursday, my roommate and I made Christmas cookies. Just for fun. I had gotten back late though because we had an Russian activity. Our TA and teacher showed us a Russian film called The 12, loosely based on 12 Angry Men movie. It was very good, and being able to understand snatches of conversations here and there. Granted, there was subtitles, but just hearing and understanding was great. And speaking of Russian, I'm still completely obsessed about Russian politics and our TA and teacher is fantastique at teaching us. I am happy to be a part of this program, even though it could be frustrating sometimes.

But, here are the pictures for coookies!

Today, was a BBQ for all the intensive summer language program, including the international students taking intensive English. I met students from the different languages, and spoke all 4 languages today :D :D Muahaha, that was lots of fun, although definitely more Russian and English. Which, of course, I have to thank my TA and teacher for that. But, I have to keep my French!! And Chinese I'm not so worried about, just because I watch some chinese dramas, films and speak in Chinese all the time. So, no worries there.

The above picture is of our teacher and TA :)

I must say, I really like Monterey. It's a small, quiet town, that reminds me of an old Germanic town, of course without the architecture. And sometimes, I wonder what Christmas time will be like here. I mean, I guess I dont't have to take a year off, and just apply now. But, there's so much out there that I still want to see, places I want to visit. Sometimes, we're so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget just how big the world is, and how small we really are. My perspectives changed a lot, after coming back from Europe and being here in Monterey. For the longest time, I haven't recognized my own strengths.

En plus, ça fait longtemps que j’écris en français. Oui, dans mon journal, mais, c'est tout. Hier, j'ai parlé avec quelqu'un français, car j'ai publié une publicité sur ligne pour chercher un échange de conversation français/anglais. Donc, c’était la première fois que je parle avec un vrai français. C'est passé très bien, et je trouve que j'ai oublié pas le français du tout. Si je peux parler français trois fois par semaine, je serai contente. Lyon me manque beaucoup, mais j'ai toujours la force de continuer la vie ici. J'ai toujours le courage. Ça change rien. Dans mon cœur, je crois toujours que je vais revenir en France.

And speaking of French, there's a French bakery here, maybe I'll find it today and go to it with my friend, Molly, who's coming to visit soon!

Until the next coffee break. Ciao!

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