jeudi 30 juin 2011

fun activities

Yesterday, our Russian coordinator Yulia planned a cooking night for us students. We made Russian pancakes and it was delicious! Today, we're also having conversation hour tonight....oh yes and a midterm tomorrow.

As if things could not be busier. Just when you think things can't get any busier, it does. To that, my reply is: О боже (Oh God)

Otherwise, things are going swimmingly. Being that this is a long weekend (4th of July), I am going back to the bay area.

I have exactly 6 or so weeks to figure out what I want to do for this coming September. Of course, I'd love to return to France. By all means, nothing is stopping me from returning...other than having money and a job there. So that means, I need to have some sort of Internship or job there for me to return. Or else...I don't even think I can get a visa to go back. The French consulate probably doesn't want someone going to France to be a hobo. haha.

I miss autumn in Lyon
I miss the leaves falling, and weather getting cooler
I miss the snow fall in Lyon

I miss walking along the river and crossing the bridge to Old Lyon
I miss my neighbors.
I miss going for a bike ride in Parc de la tete d'or.
I miss going to book markets and fresh food markets.

And....the list goes on and on. But life moves on no matter what. While I can miss life in Lyon, I can't look back and think about the past. I must move forward, and work to try to get back to France..or anywhere in Europe for that matter. It would be nice to live in Prague for a few years...and pick up some Czech =]=] Or...maybe Slovenia. Yes, that would be just as interesting as Prague...

Oh the endless possibilities. I believe whatever I set my heart to, I can achieve. Let's do it, and make it back to Europe. There's no such term as impossible.

Until the next lunch/coffee break

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