dimanche 26 juin 2011

out and about in Monterey

I am so glad it's the weekend. Now that it's Sunday, though, I weep. Time is flying by too fast, as usual. I spent most of the weekend studying, and writing statement of purposes.

Yesterday, I went to see Midnight in Paris. I think I just died a little inside after watching the movie. Watching the movie, I remember exclaiming, "oh my gosh! I was there 2 weeks ago!" at every familiar place. I think I just fell in love with France all over again. This love affair I'm having with Europe is immensely strong. I think Europe is equally having a love affair with me, but alas, there's a great pond separating us. This is turning out to be like an asian drama. As the main character says, Paris is most beautiful in the rain. I can't agree more, and know that Lyon is equally beautiful in the rain. It's funny, but I have a feeling that the next time I go back to France, I might not come back to the states.

I also died a little inside at seeing the prices in the stores..like Safeway. I was dismayed at seeing avocados at 4 for 5 dollars, when I could go to the farmer's market in Lyon and get 5 avocados for 1.5 euros. Gone are the days where I could get a week's worth of veggies and fruits for less than 10 euros. Again, I weep inside.

Today, Nick visited me. And had coffee together (no surprises there)

I'm finally seeing Monterey for the first time, and not jogging or rushing somewhere.

I have a test and midterm this coming week. I also have an oral presentation this week. But on Wednesday, we're making Russian food. That should be fun.

This is what our Russian class did last week. We divded into 2 groups and drew our dream houses that was just hilarious. Then, we had to describe to the other group our house. My group is the blue marker one. Good times.

And, by the way. It's cold. It feels like February in Davis here.

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