vendredi 23 septembre 2011

can you say that again?

Remember how excited I was yesterday to be going to a Russian politics class? Well, I was excited, that is, until I stepped into the class. I mean the class was interesting overall....being that I only understood maybe..... 1/8 of the class. Apparently I didn't know the class was going to be conducted at a 400 level Russian. @___@ I had such a headache after class. My brain was about to explode once again into colorful pieces of paper. Luckily for me, the professor told me that there's a 300 level class next week, so I will be going to that as well. I mean, I think we've probably reached a little over 200 level during the summer session. So even a 300 level might be just a tad bit difficult for me. So yeah. I felt confused yesterday. Some stuff I understood, and others I understood based on my prior knowledge of Russian politics, thanks to Prof Andrews, of course :) I think the entire time, I was thinking,  "don't look at my confused face." The professor even gave me 2 packets of paper to read on Russian politics and culture. I was like....yeah, I'll get to it. 0.o I'll be sure to get to it when I actually am more capable of reading said material. Give me that text in French and I'll read it anyday.

I know what I'll be doing up until school starts again. STUDYING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. I'm envious of all those people in that class who can speak Russian. Currently, I'm memorizing a Russian poem, because I know it'll make my roommate super happy, and for my own benefit. Ahaha.

I just revamped my room. So now, at least it looks more home-y, and my back isn't facing the door. I always hated that, having the desk face the window and your back is to the door. So, now that's all changed. I still don't know how I managed to move my bed, a heavy chest of drawers and a heavy desk around. And I don't really know what to do with that second full size bed in my room. Guess whoever is coming to visit and wants to stay overnight can use that bed. For now, it'll be a sofa for those that don't want to sit on the carpet. I finally vacuumed my room, and took the liberty to vaccum the living room/kitchen as well.

So ends another week, this week being more interesting than most. Language classes start next week! Next week should be even more interesting. I can't wait.

Until the next coffee break

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