jeudi 16 janvier 2014

7 days left!


7 more days before I go on my magical adventure to France. In the last remaining days, I still need to cram 2 units in (all intensive classes just for this week), pack and get a few more things. Traveling always is an excuse to buy more things. Like things you think you need, which you inevitably do use on the trip, but it's not necessary to have them.

So in the last days, I'm saying goodbye to Monterey and to all the people here. As much as I don't really like Monterey that much (because it's so small and isolated), this past semester has been good to me because of the people. Quite a few people here made the time past by quickly combined with me constantly running to other places for work.

So, a new year, a new place, and a new job. Am I excited? You bet!! Especially if I'm going back to my lovely home and seeing some of the best people in the world. I know I said last year that I was going to be back in Lyon in 2014. Now I say that I know I will be here for more than a few years! All the hard work and effort combined with a bit of luck has gotten me to where I want to be. I look forward to this new chapter of my life and to the beginning of my professional career!

I am so close to this dessert, I can smell it.

23 January can't come any faster!

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