mardi 31 décembre 2013

memories of 2013

It's almost 2014.

Where did all the time go? I think I need a glass of wine to deal with how fast time is flying. Speaking of time, 2013 came around and turned my life upside. Goals were made and accomplished. Dreams came true. Hard work paid off. The best thing about fulfilling a goal or dream is that you get to have a new one. So, what did I do this year?

Some notable things from this year:

- Fulfilled my goals I created earlier this year

- Interned at the UN

- Went back to my beloved Lyon

- Saw my adorable French family

- Went to Austria...and the SOUND OF MUSIC tour

- Went to Vienna and saw this guy:

Hi Dima!

- Went to Oslo...and braved the cold

- Saw my lovely friend in Slovenia

- Spent an entire summer frolicking (and working) under the Lyonnais sun

- Ate delicious food and had delicious coffee

- Met the most wonderful people in the 8 months in Europe

- Finally getting my Master's Degree! (and drinking so much coffee)

- Went to NYC for First Committee at the UN

- Went to Malaysia to speak at a conference

Things I need to do before leaving for Lyon:

- Get my visa
- Move out of my apt (again)
- Find an apt in Lyon (how hard can that be?!)

A great 2013 indeed. Here's to a greater 2014! Lyon, I'm coming back and I can't wait!

Happy New Year, everyone! Bonne année à tout le monde!

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