lundi 23 septembre 2013

adventures on the way

running by the trails early morning

I've been... busy. But productive. I'm FINALLY caught up on readings, I think and all the assignments. I've left nothing last minute, hence nothing stressful other than job searching. Although I'm pretty much dead when 5pm rolls around because I get up so early in the morning.

In other news:

I'M GOING TO NEW YORK CITY. FROM THE 17TH-26TH. Very excited, of course. It'll be for the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly Conference. The actual conference lasts for about a month, but of course, I can't miss a month worth of class. So I'm taking a week off. It'll be a good chance for me to get to know the New York folks since I know quite a few of the Geneva folks already. I've been on a plane so many times this year that I'm beginning to feel it's normal.

This week is the 5th week of school. I feel like time is just flying so fast that I have no idea what happened in the past 4 weeks. In fact, I feel like I just came back yesterday from Europe, hence the lack of re-adjustment. Terrible, I know.

I'm half tempted to buy a plane ticket in December back to Lyon just to see the Fête des Lumières. Forget finals, who wants to study for that when there's the festival of lights in Lyon?! HA, I wish!

Fog rolling in

I'm mostly caught up on work, shocking I know. But if I'm going to miss another week of class, I better stay on top of my classwork and other things.

It's officially Autumn. I'm slowly getting excited for all the holidays on the way. Oh yeah, and graduation. That too.

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