lundi 11 mars 2013

fairy tale enchantment - a weekend well spent

Another weekend over. Someoneslowdowntimeformethx. I want my European dream to last as long as possible.

This weekend's trip was to Montreux and Château Chillon. Located on the other side of the Lake Leman, it made for a perfect day trip.

My friend and I caught the 9h33 train Saturday morning and went our merry way, armed with a cup of hot chocolate for her and cappuccino for me. It was a warm day and we were rejoicing the fact that spring might just be around the corner. (I hope)

Montreux is as charming as any other European town and its old town is bigger than Geneva. We probably spent nearly two hours in old town, including going to a café and having some lovely dessert, aka breakfast.

Mmmm, trop bon

Great view from this little charming café. It was literally sitting on top of a hill. The day doesn't get any better than eating a fantastic breakfast (dessert) with a view.

Walking up yet another hill

We climbed about every single staircase we saw, even if they led to nowhere. The Château de Chillon is approx 45 mins from the Gare Montreux. We opted walking there instead of taking the bus. It was a gorgeous walk, foggy, but warm. I loved it. The sun was making an effort to peak out but mostly, we were surrounded by the thick, glorious fog.

Just from a fairytale. The Château Chillon was built on rocks and was the home to the Counts of Savoie. It was absolutely huge.

Barrels of wine 

A look of the outside of the castle


The feeling of enchantment hasn't left me...yet. I've been charmed by these European cities so much in the time I've spent in Europe. Never ending enchantment. I'll take that any day. I'm not sure where I'm off to this weekend, but Annecy next weekend! For this coming weekend, I'll just follow my feelings and see where that takes me.

Sunday, I spent outside mostly on a run and a long walk around the city.

Jet d'eau (view from a hill)

Friday was International Women's Day. The UN's cafeteria was passing out flowers. :) I especially want to thank the three women who's been making such a big difference in my life. They are strong, wise, brillant and beautiful. Thank you for being such positive influences to me, for being my role models, supporting me every step of the way to reach my goals and encouraging me to keep on dreaming.

Happy Monday!

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