dimanche 24 mars 2013

annecy rendez-vous

Meetings, meetings, and more meetings.

2 days, 12 hours of meetings, and 9 cups of coffee later, the Annecy meeting came to an end. Of course, I didn't have much time to explore the city. I've been to Annecy before and it's a beautiful little French town by the lake against the setback of mountains. I managed, however to go out to eat on Thursday evening as well as get up super early Friday morning (6am) and go for an hour tour in old town. The market was just setting up as I strolled along the cobblestone streets. I got a pain au chocolat and two other smaller pastries for 2,50and some awesome coffee. I miss my French pastries so the stroll in the morning along the morning to get breakfast was highly appreciated. I managed to get back just in time to start the meeting.

The Annecy meetings provided a good beginning to the 2013 NPT Prepcom. I think I enjoyed particularly the humor of some delegations. One even made a reference to Lord Voldemort! But the most important message that's driven home is to do no harm to the treaty. Among other interesting discussion was about the IAEA safeguards. Of course, the DPRK nuclear test and the controversial Iran's nuclear program were also discussed.

Also, the food was good. I splurged on Thursday evening and went to dinner with someone from UNIDIR.

Voici my dinner: at Café Saint Antoine

our aperitif: Kir Savoyard (aka deliciousness)

Suprême de poulet à la crème et aux cèpes et ses ravioles aux champignons 

Tiramisu :))

I didn't take a picture of the entree, which was Velouté de de potiron aux châtaignes (pumpkin soup with chestnuts). Overall, I spent 50 euros. Not ridiculously bad.

I actually woke up before the sun on Friday morning

The view from my window, my glorious, ridiculously expensive hotel window: L'imperial Palace

And some old familiar sites

So glad to back in Annecy, but I'll be back again.

So, it's Austria this coming week Thursday! Apparently, it's supposed to snow, but with 15C temperature, I refuse to believe that. Speaking of this, I still need to book my tickets and hostel. To the Sound of Music tour I go! I can't wait to sing all those songs. And Mozart! And Mozart chocolate! Too many exciting things to come. Not to mention the good food I'll be gorging on. Thank goodness for UN holidays this week.

I miss Lyon. But I'm going back the 6th of April! In a way, it is le chaleur of my friend that draws me back to Lyon time and time again. It is l'amour de la vie in Lyon that keeps me hoping and dreaming. And this means more to me than anything else. How I went through almost 2 years of being away from Lyon, I don't know. I can't wait to see my friend and her kids again.

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