mercredi 27 février 2013

sick day

I'm currently sitting in bed having the biggest cravings for chocolate.

And I'm sick.

Sick and in bed, but no freaking head cold is keeping me away from work. I actually worked this morning, in bed and sending everything to my colleagues in the Palais. Needless to say, it has been a productive day despite me not being physically at work. Not a completely useless day.

Speaking of that, I was really reluctant skipping work today simply because too many exciting things are happening in the Palais for me to miss them! At least I got to attend two out of three high-level meetings! My enthusiasm is just too much sometimes. Even my conversation partner shook her head with a smile yesterday at my stubbornness about wanting to work and my rapid, excited French babbling about nukes. Luckily, my common sense took over. After all, I don't want to be sick at the Oslo Conference.

So now I'm taking a short break, and yet all the while preferring to throw myself into the works of French authors, all the books my friend lent me this time.

Here's to hoping I'd be back to work tomorrow and fully prepared for the trip to Oslo! At least I'm prepared for the cold this time!

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