mercredi 19 septembre 2012

NPT simulation: opening statements!

First day of opening statements from all the delegates! We actually still have 3 more countries who need to deliver their statements due to class ending, but it was very smooth and conducted in a "business-like" way. Everyone was dressed professionally and it was awesome.


The previous chair (from Australia) retired and gave the chair to Romania's representative, Ambassador Umayam. Kind words all around to the Chair, aka the Honorable Chair Lady! First up was the country representing NAM (Non-Aligned Movement). I had hoped that this year would be a bit dramatic, and perhaps that will be the case as we move into our working groups. I will be in working group #1, the disarmament group with the Egyptian delegation as chair.  My partner will be in working group #2, the nonproliferation and peaceful uses group. I'm actually really excited about this. Despite this 21 unit semester, I'm going to have some fun, while learning! Sounds cliché I know, but seriously. If I can't have some fun while learning, what's the point? I might as well not have gone to grad school.

Amb Hu from South Africa!

Everyone listening attentively to the statements. The Russian Federation did theirs in Russian! But where is the Chinese interpreter into Chinese?! We'll be ending the statements tomorrow and going into our working groups. Follow our exciting moments on Twitter #MIIS2013NPT. (Yes I also caved and got a twitter account #XuejiaoHu--- and somehow every time I say that, I get the urge to twitch).

Let the fun begin officially tomorrow with the kickstart of the working groups!

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