samedi 5 mai 2012

this is how we (grad students) roll

Whoo! New format. I like this one better.

I have no life. This will continue until the end of the semester in which I think I've come to terms with. Having no life right now and being busy is a good excuse for me to get away from certain things, among others. I think I like it.

Yup, it's that stressful time of the year, when people are pulling all-nighters, writing papers, studying for finals, drinking copious amounts of coffee. And you definitely know it's finals time when someone at Starbucks asks for more than three shots of espresso. And this is how I start out my weekend, by a cup of brewed dark roast coffee.

Yesterday was happy hour at our school. It also happened to be a busy day for me, running left and right, drinking way too much caffeine. Just another symptom of knowing that it's the end of the semester. Because of that, I'm glad to have gotten a break from a friend visiting me from Davis. It's a nice change to not see someone from my current school. Gotta love my friend's sense of humor about grad students.

What we do for fun

Can't you tell he's totally being in sync with the bear?

This summer will be filled with Russian things. I will momentarily forget my English and immerse myself in the Russian language.

Oh, also -- finding an apt is easy apparently, but moving is another thing. I was just looking at all my stuff, thinking about the packing I'll have to do. I don't have a lot of things. What I have that happens to weigh a lot.....are BOOKS. Yes, I have a gigantic book collection that I can't part with. One day, whenever and wherever I happen to settle down, I will make a library in my house, put a coffee maker in there and put on the classical music channel. Total bliss.

For now I'll just be content with my many books and bookshelves.

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