mercredi 9 mai 2012

Genève: city of future dreams and careers

I'm getting way too stressed. Less than 2 more weeks til the semester is over. 加油!

Geneva (Feb 2011). My career dreams are within this city. I have been wanting to visit this city forever, in part, because I hear Switzerland is awesome and because the UN is there. So one day, my friend and I decided to make a quick day trip to Geneva. It's really close to Lyon and one round trip only costs 27 euros per person (via SNCF with our carte 12-25).

So, on a bright sunny weekend in Lyon, we took the 8am train to Geneva. Both of us were sleeping during the hour and half train ride. Sleeping on buses, trains, planes, has become a habit of mine --- it passes time, and I get energized to explore the city. We arrived to a quiet, but big city ready to begin our adventure. First matter of business --- changing Euros to Swiss Francs (CHF).

Just how clean is Geneva?: " I won't dirty the sidewalks!"

Upon getting to the metro station, we were a little confused at how to pay for the metro because it saying the zone we were going to was....FREE.  I think our initial impression was....FREE?! SINCE WHEN IS ANYTHING IN GENEVA FREE?! Hoping that we wouldn't be stopped by police or traffic controller, we hopped onto the metro to the Avenue de la Paix where all the things we wanted to see are there (including the Palais des Nations -- United Nations Building).

It was a cloudy day in Geneva, but we were hoping it would turn sunny later on. Walking along the Avenue de la Paix was quiet, clean and spacious. The first stop was the Broken Chair, a symbol to represent the handicapped people.

One of the leg is broken halfway

Right across from the Broken Chair is the United Nations. My friend and I started joking about how we should have made copies of our resumes, stand in front of the United Nations entrance and give it to every official looking person.

My future (I hope) workplace

We stopped by a statue of Mahatma Ghandi along the Avenue

The caption says: My life is my message

Although the sun wasn't out yet, the day wasn't too cold so I was perfectly comfortable in my light trench coat, scarf and flats. (which by the way, I hate wearing socks)

Musée Ariana ( Musée Suisse de la céramique et du verre) 

Our next stop brought us to the International Red Cross. We decided not to get tickets to go inside. The outside was interesting enough already.

Box where you can write your own definition of peace

Represents those who was/are repressed 

As we were walking along the Avenue de la Paix, we saw the Mission Permanente de la Russie (Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations). We were super excited -- being the nerds we are. Of course, there's no way of getting into the building. I remember we asked someone coming out -- the lady replied to in order to get in, we needed to be invited by a Russian citizen. @__@

Jet d'Eau!

After seeing the Jet d'Eau, we looked for a place to eat. We almost stepped into this Korean restaurant -- but it was TOO EXPENSIVE.

So, instead we went to McDonalds. It was cheaper but seriously they charge you for the sauce. I just remember paying for our meal with Katy Perry's "California Gurls" playing on the radio. Oh, we also bought postcards to mail to our friends.

If you're going to Geneva, be sure to go to Old Town Geneva! I love the beauty of old places so this is no exception for me.

Old town Geneva! (Cité de refuge)

St Pierre cathedral

Overall, the trip to Geneva was great!  I can't wait to go back.

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