samedi 10 mars 2012

countdown to beijing

Another countdown until the day I land in the Middle Country once more? :) Well, I'm happy to be back in the country of my birth. With that said, 5 more days! But seriously, wait, I'm not ready yet! I have many things to do before actually leaving on Wednesday the 14th. People keep asking me if I'm excited. Well I am, but it hasn't fully hit me yet. I think it will when I'm actually on the plane flying a couple thousands of feet in the air. The above picture is what's awaiting me in well as good food. I can't wait to eat the food there.


1. I have midterm in nonproliferation class
2. I have a Chinese presentation to do
3. I have work
4. I have to prepare for a French presentation
5. I have meetings to attend
6. I was also supposed to have a French essay due as well, but I've asked for an that's taken care of.

So where are all these things coming from??? I wish I knew. Still, it's a good thing I'm keeping busy. I can't say I don't like it because deep down inside, I really do like it.

Taking some time today away from studying, my friend and I went to Del Monte Shopping center to the apple store. You're looking at an apple owner :) I bought a 13 inch macbook air and I think I'm currently having a love affair with it. It has such a nice texture, I love it. Based on the amount I spent on PCs in the past 5 years, it probably would have been more expensive than the mac I bought and would have lasted just as long. So, this is a good investment.

I just applied for the Summer Intensive language program for Russian here again. We're hoping to get more people so we can form a class. Anyone interested, either beginning or intermediate, REGISTER NOW: We need more people! It's such a good program and you learn like no other. Intense, yes, but totally worth it.

I am currently a little frustrated at someone right now. I mean, she's a great person, just hard to see someone who's your friend being a little self-destructive (even though she doesn't think she is). 莫名其妙。

Anyways, I need to finish my lovely Chinese presentation. Who needs sleep? Ahaha, I can sleep on the plane. I think that's one of the best things I'm looking forward to.

5 more days. YES.

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