mardi 21 février 2012

on the road again? YES

It's finally hitting me that I'm going to be in China again in less than a month! There goes my spring break, since we'll be there for a immersion learning program during the entire time. But, it'll be fun! I'm very excited to be in Beijing once more. It'll be a good opportunity to learn and meet people. What's better is that the school is giving us $1500 to help cover the airfare and hotel fees. I'm finally dipping my phalanges in my career field :D

I guess I get to welcome my old friend, jetlag, once more. I guess it shouldn't be so bad this time as there are plenty of things to distract me. My plan is to go back to Shenyang for about a day and half and after that head to Beijing to join the rest of my classmates as they will be there on the 17th. I can't not be in China without seeing my grandparents, no matter how inconvenient it might be.

And just so you know, this is also a caffeine induced post, as last night I slept poorly. I might need more caffeine later, which brings me to some things I dislike this week.

1. Falling asleep before midnight.
I used to be able to stay up at least til 1am and get many things done, and still wake up in the morning early to function throughout the day. Now, I'm getting tired around 11pm-ish and can't keep my eyelids from closing. GAAAH, I'm getting old.

2. My internet
The internet at our place stopped working all of Sunday but it's back now. Yet, it's still...crappy as ever. And because I need the internet to do my homework.

3. Samson center accepting cash only
WHY do you only accept cash?! And there's no ATM in the school. Seriously, get an ATM, or let us students pay you in card.

4. People who just aren't happy
DEAL WITH IT. We're all unhappy once in awhile, but don't push your unhappiness onto other people. You are responsible for your own happiness. If you can't be happy or whatever, go see a therapist.

5. Being impatient
That's just me. I'm being too impatient. It's high time I slow down and just try to be patient.

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