samedi 28 janvier 2012

going here, going there in brussels, belgium

The first big trip I organized in October of 2010, 2 months into our study abroad. Apparently we get a week break at the end of October called les vacances Toussaint. And oh boy, what a crazy week it was. The week before vacation, there was a massive strike in France because of the retirement age. Because of the heavy and violent strikes school closed a week early. I actually left that Thursday.

So, Brussels... How can I do you justice in just a blog post? The capital of Belgium, the seat of power of the European Commission. A place to go to for Belgium waffles and fries. I'll spare you all the details of how we got to Brussels, because it was one big mess. Anyways, my travel buddy and I arrived at the Brussels Train station: Midi-Zuid around 11h-ish and spent the time wandering around, sight-seeing and going downtown since our couchsurfing hosts weren't going to be home until later in the afternoon. So, carrying our backpacks and a map taken from the train station, we set out determined to get started. (Sidenote: I really admired the person who helped us get a map at the train station; she spoke probably 6 languages - one day, I will get there). As we walked out the station, some random homeless person stopped us and asked if we needed help and where we were from. To that, I promptly said we're French travelers because he left us alone after that. It was an overcast day but luckily not raining. Also, most people generally tend to function in French, German or Dutch here. 

The streets of Brussels

This is to commemorate the Moroccan immigration

I couldn't resist taking this picture.

Random building art on streets

There are a lot of these random building art on the streets of Brussels. In fact, you can get a sheet of paper following trails of comics on buildings. We followed the trail a bit, but it was taking too long being we only had 2-3 days in Brussels so we made it just to a few of them. 

Notre-Dame Chapelle

Where am I made in???

Belgian Fries.... 


Palais de Justice (Palace of Justice)

View from the Palais de Justice

WWII memorial

Jewish museum in Brussels, I believe it was 3 euros for students. 

Hotel de ville

Hotel de ville

Another street art

Our couchsurfing hosts' cat (and according to Christina, the boiled egg thief)

Our couchsurfing hosts were super nice people. Both spoke French, the wife also spoke Dutch. It definitely was nice to get some French practice during traveling. They had 2 floors in their apartment, as the lower part, aka the basement was theirs as well, so that's where we stayed. 

Farmer's market

Brussels metro station

To the European Commission!!

Musée Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire

Musée Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire

One thing about this museum is that it is gigantic. It tooks us over 3 hours to walk through and I think we weren't even done yet. But it's a good thing we went to this museum that day because it was pouring rain. There was a vast collection of artifacts from all over the world.  

Protest against the new Congo government outside the European Commission

Centre Belge de la Bande Dessinée (Belgium Comic Arts musuem)
Price was 8 euros, but you can check here


Eurolines: the bus company that we took to get to Amsterdam, the second part of our adventure
And that only cost us 12 euros for a 4 hour trip. Great deal.

Well, there you have it, our brussels trip, a crazy trip, but fun nonetheless. Despite the setback early in our trip, the rest of our trip was fantastic!

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