vendredi 7 octobre 2011

do what on his birthday?

I am going to try to take a good break this weekend, even though I'll still be studying. I think all the studying and not sleeping well have been taking a toll on my health. I feel fine, just sometimes I get headaches, at least more than I use to.

Annnnnd, with that said, it's Putin's birthday today (10/08/11). I've been reading the news about how young girls are wishing this Prime Minister a happy birthday, declaring their love and passion for this guy.

Incredible, isn't it? I mean, Putin looks pretty good for his age (59). But having young girls proclaiming their love and stripping for a little too much.

I'm going to study like no other until my birthday, so that on that day, I can have lots of fun.

9 more days until China!

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