samedi 9 juin 2012

guide to lyon #3 -- i think i can (go up the fourviere hill)

Today's guide to Lyon is a trip to the Fourviere region!

The Fourviere region is across from the Presqu'île and next to Vieux Lyon. It is actually above Vieux Lyon.... So to go there, you have to take the funicular, Or if you're fit, like most Europeans, you will have no trouble strolling up the hill to Fourviere. This is region was the original location of the Roman Lugdunum.

To access the funicular, go to Vieux Lyon, there is a metro station called Vieux Lyon, St. Just. It is also a connection with Metro D. Buy a ticket, and ride your way up. There are 2 funicular trains. One goes directly up to the Basilique de Fourviere, the other train goes to St. Just, and stops also by the Roman Theatre remains. You can just ride up to one of them and walk the rest of the way to the other.

It was probably our second day there when some of us students decided to go to Fourviere. At the time, we didn't have our carte tecely and neither of us wanted to buy a ticket, so we decided to take the challenge of walking up the hill.
Starting our journey

Half way there

More hills

Getting there!

Finally, the Basilique!

By the time we were half way up there, most of us were dying. And you could just see all the French people strolling along uphill perfectly at ease. They were probably laughing on the inside --"hey! look at those lazy americans!"

So, what is there to see in the Fourviere region? We'll start off with the first thing I saw, while getting up that hill.

Roman Theaters

Well-preserved roman ruins, these theaters are a delight to see. It is free entry -- so go in and enjoy! Walk around it, and sit on the stones. Imagine thousands of years ago, there were performances to watch from where you are sitting.

From the Roman theaters, you can walk to the Basilique.

Basilique de Fourviere

The magnificent structure was built in 1872 and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of Lyon. Here you will find somewhat of a Byzantine design, especially on the inside. It is free to go inside. The inside of this basilica is very extravagant and stylish. During December until January, you can find the huge sign "Merci Marie (Thank you, Mary)" to honor the Virgin Mary.

If you walk (on the outside) all the way towards the end of the church, where the hill ends, you can get a panoramic view of Lyon. It has the best view of the city and on very clear days, you can see the mountains in the distances. This is the best way to see the city to get a general idea of the its structure.

Below the church is a rose garden; take a stroll in there and enjoy the atomsphere and beauty.

Also, on the other side of the Basilique is actually a park which is also worth going to.

Metal Tower

Next to the Basilique, there is a tower that is like a replica of the Effiel tower called the metal tower. The construction of this tower was supported by anti-clerical people to have a highest point in the non-religion section. Today it is used as a radio and tv antenna.

The tower on the hill

If anyone is into music, the Conservatoire Regional de Lyon is located next to the Basilique. Sometimes they have student concerts there that are great to listen to and free!

Well, there you have Fourviere, next stop, Vieux Lyon!

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