mardi 27 mars 2012

beijing (part 2): found in translation

March 20th, 2012

Second day of the program. I think the jetlag is still going through its rounds in most of us students. I keep falling asleep during all the car rides. And I’m really tired right now, so I’m really trying to finish writing this before I pass out on my bed.

Anyways – I forgot to mention one thing yesterday. In the afternoon at CACDA, there was a guy there with red sunglasses that looked exactly like the late North Korean leader. It was kind of uncanny.

Ok, this morning was pretty interesting as we were able to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today. All three participates from the Ministry were visiting scholars at MIIS. One of the ladies there talked super fast. One of them asked us to tell them about our topic – which sounded a like thesis to me, as if I were going for a PhD…. Not yet! I’ve just barely begun my Master’s. And speaking of our topic..I really need to get on with my presentation practice. Everyone’s like “oh, I’m not worried about your speaking skills.” And I’m like, “….”  
Getting ready at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Lunch was an easy affair, with lots of veggies and noodles. I stopped by a pharmacy to pick up some throat drops as it was starting to feel uncomfortable. The lack of sleep and stress from the past couple of weeks has been taking a toll on my immune system. It doesn’t help that I haven’t been working out in quite a bit. I’ve also been having stress dreams – which also doesn’t help my sleep quality.


Yes, that's couchsurfing for you

The afternoon activity was at the Center for American Studies in which the Professor discussed the issue of nonproliferation and China’s stance on that particular issue. Oh and I’ve been told twice today that I don’t look Chinese…..  @___@ Seriously? The answer I’ve been getting is either I’m from out of the country or I’m an ethnic minority. Actually it’s kind of fun to mess with people’s minds.

Alright – I am going to make this short and go to sleep (and maybe, just maybe, not need caffeine tomorrow?)

Here’s to the 3rd day  --- 

March 21st, 2012

We’ve hit the middle mark of the program! Even though we didn’t have too much on our plate today, most of everyone was wiped out. On the car ride from our hotel to 798 Art area, almost everyone fell asleep during the half hour ride. This morning, we got to go to the Center for Chinese reform to meet with General Pan. What really amused me were the two statements made by the General. He said that Americans are really…stupid and that America is like a kid that can’t grow up. It amused me to no end because in some ways, what he said was rational. The general just said that instead of spending money outside the country, we really should be using that money to fix internal problems, to finance education, to fix infrastructure or social programs.

It was actually a warm bottle

You know you want some birthday cake flavor

 So I had a bottle of coffee this morning, then proceeded to have a shot of espresso in the afternoon, followed by a cappuccino. My caffeine addiction shall be the death of me. I really need to go on a detox when the semester is over in May. It doesn’t help that even though this week is spring break for us, we’re not really on break. I’m still lacking in the sleep department and my entire body is sore from being tired. I feel like a creaking door hinge that needs to be oiled. @_@ Just another symptom of all the working piling up. I have a test next week. Lovely, ain’t it? Not only that but I also have a paper due. I’ve already pushed back the deadline…so it would be nice to actually get it done.

Today’s afternoon program, I really enjoyed. Contemporary art is a growing interest I have, so looking at all the things was really interesting. I picked up a few things for myself and friends. Also, in the shops today, one person told me that I looked extremely Korean…that the vibe I give off is…Korean. Another sales person told me I look like I’m a foreigner, or from Hong Kong. Seriously, what’s with the last trip to China and this one? Somewhere between 2010 and now, I’ve changed? Maybe it was my trip to France that gave me a different vibe? I don’t know.

I got to climb on this structure

My friend says Wes, the guy in shades behind me looks like a creeper XD

I walked by myself today during the 798 Art Area, and I found myself enjoying my solitary walks. Ear buds in, music on, makes me feel like I’m back in France again. Being alone makes me contemplate, and I find myself praying or just having a conversation with God. I like it.

I’ve been eating enough to last me for about a month, I think. When I get back to the states, I really need to get back into shape. The money that my grandmother and uncle gave me can help me pay for a gym membership. I’d love to get back into playing the piano again but I don’t have one in Monterey. Perhaps I’ll bring my guitar back. My best friend keeps telling me I should invest in a punching bag. Maybe.

I’m learning a ton of new things here…it feels like an intensive course for nonproliferation and I like it.  A lot.

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