samedi 5 novembre 2011

yet another jetlag

Another trip over and gone. As much as I love to travel, I'm glad to be at home in Monterey where I can get back to my studying, language classes, spending time with my roommate, and plotting my next move (to take over the world, of course). But before I can settle back in comfortably into my usual daily life, I have to get over yet again, this lovely thing called jetlag. And tomorrow is daylight saving time, just another hour to add to my jetlag. Hurray.

Speaking of studying and school, I finally got my certificat d'etudes politiques! It came in the mail while I was in China, and I was very happy coming home and seeing a nice big envelop.

A couple things I noticed or realized during my trip to China.

1. I could never live for a long period of time in China as much as I love it.

2. If I ever had to live in China, I'd live on my own, and not with relatives

3. The pollution has gotten worse.

4. There are more cars than last year.

5. Relatives that I haven't seen/spoken to for a long time, please don't contact me. There's a reason you don't know that I'm back. There's also a reason why I haven't talked to you either. Especially for those of you who want money from me. Do I look like a money tree?

6. Shenyang isn't actually that big. I use to remember it being bigger. To be fair, I was a kid way back when.

7.  Apparently, to many Chinese people, even though I have impeccable Chinese, I look like a mongolian, Russian, or Korean ethnic minority. The other ridiculous and random comment is that I look like someone from the Middle East or Pakistan.

8. I'd probably never fit in a proper Chinese society, after being raised in America, and being very independent.

9. Relatives, who tell me I don't look like the standard skinny Chinese girls--- I will probably sock you in the face the next time you tell me that.

10. Yes, because I'm a girl, I need to find a guy asap, and get my life together, according to many Chinese people. And the conversation usually goes like this:

Person: So how old are you?
Me: ..23.
P: You look so young! Do you have a boyfriend?
P: Why not? Don't be so picky!
M:.... ?
P: Women need someone (meaning a guy) to depend on.

Also, I don't care that you're rich and well-off. I don't want to hear you bragging about how much something costs, or giving me something and telling me, oh, that was so-and-so dollars.

Overall, I liked my trip to China.

Here I am, slowly recovering from jetlag. I start work in 2 weeks, and school in 2 months! I can't wait.

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