mardi 25 octobre 2011

a week left in the middle country

Ok, the past week, I’ve pretty much eaten enough to last me quite awhile. WAY TOO MUCH GOOD FOOD. I must remember, everything in moderation, as my roommate tells me. So I’ve manage to cut down on the amount I’m eating, but still enjoying the food. Let me continue to chant, “everything in moderation, etc.” Oh my gosh.

Today, I went to the Wuai Market with my cousin’s cousin. Actually, I was able to recognize him pretty easily. He sat in McDonalds waiting for me. We talked for a bit, and made our way to the Wuai market to buy some stuff. Ok, this should have been in MODERATION. Except you can’t get a good prices there if you don’t buy a lot. So I manage to get stuff for my professors ok, but some other stuff, oh my gosh, it was ridiculous. Q_Q oh well.   

I thought we were just going to go shopping and eat lunch, but we ended up staying til 7pm. He dropped me home and I waited for my uncle to pick me up. Tomorrow he’s taking me to Tian Xia Di Yi Guan. I’ve been there in 2002, but I have no recollection of it anymore. Hence, I’ve brought my camera, and my determination. It’s 2.5. hours of train ride each way. Should be fun. I’m super excited.
My cousin’s cousin took me to this huge mall where on the top floor, there’s a glass floor and you can see all the way to the bottom. He tried to scare me with that, but ended up scaring himself instead.

I told him that if you can dream in the language you're learning, it means your brain is soaking it up, being fluent. He said he had a dream where he was being forced to learn English vocab words and he ended up killing his English teacher. I was like...I don't think that counts. 

A few more days to Beijing, and then back to the states!

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